Thursday, March 29, 2012

Writing TIme

Today I finished my biography about Craig Erskine. (Macgregor)

Friday today.

Yes it is Friday today. At lunch there will be a big football match for the Football Friday trophy and after lunch there is an assembly.

Kapa Haka

Yesterday the Mapua Kapa Haka group went to Waimea College to perform in front of other schools. It was awesome because we got to look at everyone else who peformed. I loved it.(Luis)


In maths we were doing numbers that fit together nicely and we had to do 12! But it was fun and it took us the whole week. We had to match the numbers and it was really really really hard. (Marley)

Camp fundraising

When I got to the school gates I saw Jake and his Mum doing fundraising for our camp. (Marley)

Monday, March 26, 2012

What we like about our teacher

What I like about our teacher is that she has a good way of teaching me maths. (Denim)

What I like about the teacher is that she has a sence of humor (Shiloh)


Today we had to go to room 11 to watch a play about respect it was fabulous!!!!!!!!:) (Lily)

Today we learnt respect what we learnt was give it get it IT WAS FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Olivia)

The Room 7 Family Tree

In Room 7 we have made a family tree.

Room 7 is enjoying the family tree. It is called whakapapa in Maori.

(Amelia & Jake)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Our maths

We are adding numbers that make tidy numbers.


Last  week  Marley  and  William  got over  6000 points on mathletics.

It was great getting that many points because we broke Lily's record.

Marley and William

Maths maths and obviously maths

Maths is fun and helps us learn. Here's a strategy
2+2 is 4
so 20+20 will have to be 40
so that means 200+200 is 400

Computer Time

We are using writing this week to write on our blog. Our job is to take photos and to put them on our class blog.


Today we had to write down all the strategies we know in maths!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jumping up the numberline to the next tidy number to solve + and - problems.

36 + ? = 59

36 + 4 = 40

40 + 19 = 59

so 19 + 4= 23

so 36 + 23 = 59



Wow, today I found out that I was 13th in NZ and 61st in the world on Mathletics. I am so proud of myself (Sean)

Teacher has a gun

Two weeks ago our teacher Whaea A had a Nerfgun at school. Whaea A shot Mr Clearwater and Mrs Bibby-Smith. She also shot Mr Searl.


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Football friday

We won Football Friday AGAIN! Mr.Mac booted the ball all the way to the other end and Mr.C headed it into the goal! Awesome.

(Marley and William)

Reading Time

Today was reading time. We read a biography about Jonah Lomu. We had to create a time line that showed what he did in his life. (Macgregor and Jake)


When I was on Mathletics I found out that I had 6 gold bars left. I almost fainted and now I have 3 gold bars left!


Smashing tile for our mosaics

Room 7 has been smashing tiles for our mosaics.

Most of our mosaics are done.


Every day a person has to choose a person that has rocked it in class. They get the "You Rock" rock.



owww! That's so sad that the cricket is off. Hope the touch is not off. (Jake)


Every Saturday we go to Saxton's Oval to play cricket.(Jonty)

The long assembly

Ring ring ring it's time for the assembly, I think.  "Pack up" says Whaea Aroha. After we finish packing up she says, "It's time to line up".  We line up outside and then we start to leave. Then we sit down on the tarpaulin.  after a while the assembly starts. After about an hour they called up the bus people, unfortunately I was on the bus. I had come 2nd in the Easter Poster Competition and didn't get my prize. I had to wait until the next week to get it! I won a chocolate Easter Bunny.


World Cup

Outside our classroom, the Rugby World Cup was on a stand for us all to see. When they called out, "Red House" I raced up next to the gold cup that the All Blacks won.


Today Sean brought a Nerf gun and belive it or not Whaea Aroha was not interested! Then the afternoon arrived and Whaea Aroha shot Mr Searl.


Today is Football Friday

Hi i am a little kid in Football Friday. We are trying to win the trophy back(Jonty)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Rugby World Cup

The Rugby World Cup was exiting and the Cup came to hour school.


Rugby World Cup Roadshow

On Tuesday the Rugby World Cup Road Show came to Mapua school. It was awesome because we got to look at the Webb Ellis Cup with all it's glory. They also gave out free posters.(Luis)


Mathletics was fun. I enjoyed every part of it. It's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Olivia)

Rugby World Cup came to Mapua School

On Tuesday the 20th of March the Rugby Roadshow came to our school and they gave some lucky people a poster. Two lucky people held the trophy.


Toku Mihi

Ko Frank toku matua.
Ko Tamara toku whaea.
Ko Venka toku tuahine.
Ko Arwen taku tuahine.
Ko Saphira taku tuahine.
Ko Rayek toku ingoa.

Rugby World Cup

Wow, I cant believe that the Rugby World Cup came to Mapua School. That is probably the best thing I have ever seen (Sean):)

The Rugby World Cup came to Mapua School

When the Rugby World Cup came to school everybody screamed. My friend got to hold the cup and I got one of the Nelson Mako's autographs.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Smashy smashy

Today we were smashing tiles for our mozaic it was AWESOME!!!!!!:):)

( Lily and holly!!)


Today Tuscan brought a Nerf gun and let the teacher shoot people if they did not do their work!
She's wanting to get you so look out if you can. Can she get you or can you out smart her?  She's got Mrs Bibby-Smith now she's looking for you!


Whaea Aroha shot Mrs Bibby-Smith

Today we were working and some of us were smashing tiles outside. Our teacher ambushed Room8 and shot Mrs Bibby-Smith with a Nerf Gun.
It was hilarious.

Touch Rugby

Whaea Aroha says, "It's time for go to sport." We lined up outside by Mr T. "Are there any noties?" said m.r T. "Yes" said Mrs Hosie. She said all the noties then we went of to Aranui Park. We got play touch rugby with our class. We practised our passing and how to put the ball down. Then we played a game of Touch Rugby. It was fantastic because we were outside running around. I can't wait until next week!


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

football friday

The game was on I tried to score but I then someone else scored.   (Marley)

Tackle bull rush

Tackle bull rush was AWESOME i'll be playing more of that. (OLIVIA)


Today we are smashing tiles for our Mosaics smash! smash! bang! bang! It's so NOISY!!!!!!!

Soon we will be proud our shiny ART!!!!!!

Denim and Shiloh

Tackle Bull Rush

Today I played a game of Tackle Bull rush it was AWESOME!!! (LILY):) :) :)

sports time

every wednesday  we go out to play soft ball,touch,freezbee,vollball and cricket(Jonty)

tackle bullrush ROCKS

Tackle bullrush ROCKS

Monday, March 12, 2012


football  is fun because you can score goals    (Marley)


football is fun because you can score goals (william)

Our Day

  Today we had Mrs Pilcher.  We went to the library. After lunch she read us a funny story The story was called UFD  by Paul Jennings it was so cool.
We did compatible numbers for  maths it was so easy to do. 
By Denim

our teacher

our amazing teacher  in room 7 is teaching Maori to us.
our amazing teacher  in room 7 she is teaching Maori to us and fun maths.
our amazing teacher in room 7 she is teaching Maori to us and fun Maths and topic 


I enjoyed singing the songs in Choir my favorite was (if I were a rich man.)   :):):):)  (Lily)

                           Please Read

maths time

Our group have to do tasks that the teacher sets before we go on the laptop (Jonty)
My group have do real hard maths questions that the answer can go over one million! (Macgregor)

ripper rugby and choir

i enjoyed  ripper rugby practice today it was AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!     (SEAN) :)

i enjoyed choir singing food glorious food was FUNNY and singing if i were a rich man was AWESOME its my favorite (olivia)                                         

                        please read this 

Ripper Rugby

I enjoyed Ripper Rugby today. IT WAS AWESOME!!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thinking about our week...

It was fun drawing this week because we get to plan for our mosaics. (Macgregor)

It was fun with Mr.Tonkin because we got to learn about road safety on our bikes. (Jake)

I got to learn about new things about my bike. (Holly)

I enjoyed maths because it was really challenging. (Sean)

I liked the number plate challenge for road safety. (Marley)

I liked watching the video on road safety. (Olivia)

It was funny writing my draft for a biography on my dad. (Marley)

I was flat out today! Loving it! (Whaea Aroha)

Respecting the Road

Swim Safe

Teddy Bears' Picnic

Thanks Room 10 for having the Teddy Bears' Picnic.

Footy Friday

We were the winners of Football Friday again.

Electrical Fault

Ring, ring, ring, there goes the fire bell. This wasn't a practise. This was the real thing. (Ocean)

I heard a fire engine. It was an electrical problem. (Bailey)

I thought it was a practise. When I heard the fire engine coming, I knew it was real. (Shiloh)

It was really the first time I had been in a Mapua School fire situation, so I didn't know what to do... I just followed everyone else to the big field. (Luis)

I felt scared because I thought the fire could come near us. I felt better when the fire engines came. (Rayek)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thinking about our week...

I'm loving the music. (Amelia)
I enjoyed all the tests. (Olivia)
I love doing the Easter Fair posters. (Ocean)
I loved swimming at the Motueka swim sports. (Marley)
Loving the mosaic planning. (William)
Writing my auto-biography is fun. (Bailey)
I like the art. (Anna)
I enjoyed creating my family tree. (Holly)
Rainbow Friday was great. (Luis)
Mathletics rocks. (Tuscan)


Wow!! Last weeks Football Friday was cool. We won again! (Tristan)


My mame is Ocean. I was born in Nelson Hospital in New Zealand in 2003. I am the youngest child of 9. Two of my sisters live in Wellington. They are the amazing Sam and Amanda. One of my brothers lives in Perth. He is the unbelievable Corey. Awesome Chris lives in Hamilton. My other amazing brothers are Tony, Kodi and Storm. My awesome mum is Monique and my unbelievable dad is Phillip.

When I was a tidy baby I was the only child of 9 who used a d pacifier. One time I lost it and I couldn't do anything but cry. Luckily my parents found it in my toy car. My toy car is over six years old and I can still ride in it. It has been passed down from me to my niece Lily and then down to my other niece Jasmine.

My dream job is to be a basketball player. I play basketball at school and at home. I really hope I get the job someday, but I love cricket too. One time I got half a century against my brother Storm. Another time we even played in the rain and that was fun.

But the very best thing about me is that I give my very best at everything.