Monday, August 27, 2012

The teacher wants our stuff!

Today Whaea Aroha was teaching us te reo Moari.  She started to take are stuff!

Homai tou.......
Homai tenei.....
Homai tena......
Homai tera.....

She didn't really take.  She just asked in Maori.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Samsung Olympic Bus

Make your own slide show at Animoto.

Lunchtime fun

Anna around the world...

Right now I'm in London watching the Olympics. Last Sunday we went to the gymnastics. Here's some photos of them and the last photo is of me and Bethan with Vanessa Ferrari. She did the hardest thing you can do on the floor and went into the finals to end 8th out of 24. We also went to Madame Tussauds and saw heaps of famous people there like Usain bolt and Van Gough and the Beatles.

Go, go go Mapua!

We won against Takaka school today for the Year 5/6 challenge.

Try our slideshow creator at Animoto.

Olympics research

This term we have been learning about the Olympics we had to research about what happend around that time.  My group's year was 1900.   We found out that 1899-1901 there was a Boxer rebellion because the Chinese did not like the influence of the Emperor  and how they controlled the opium trade.  So they had a war and the result was that eight alliance army won against China.

Sheep math strategy

Here is an example of the Sheeps' strategy.

x2   x2

As you can see I've put X2 underneth the 2 and the 6. The X2 means we X the 2 and makes it 4 same with the 6 which is the answer. Here's the rest of it.

2    X3    =  6
x2             x2
4     x3    =12
x2             x2
8    x3     =24

And now that is how I lernt to do my 8X tables

Anna around the world

Right now I'm in Italy.  I  just got out of the car from a 5 hour drive!  Having lots of fun.

Sheep maths time

I n maths the Sheep and the Kiwifruit  have been learning new stratergys for x.   Here is  an example 2x25=? change it around 25+25=50 and that is our stratagy.

By Will and Josh.

Gym time!

Some of us are doing gym.   We have been practicing for four weeks now.  On Friday we are doing our gym display in Motueka .The people in my class Rm7 that are doing it is me (Holly) Olivia and Lily. We are all very excited.

 from Holly!

Amazing Lava Lamps

 Man Whaea Aroha is crazy in Room 7.  Wow those Lava Lamps are amazing.   My favorite is the green , red ,blue and yellow.  The blue made a huge twister from the Alka-seltzer... amazing.

Pocket Rockets

A little bit of fun,...  how to trap gas and cause an explosion to make pocket rockets. Well you add water into a film canister  and then add a tablet called Alka-Seltzer.    Shut the lid as fast as you can then back away and watch what happens.


Our crazy Teacher showed us how to make rockets.  Boom, up they shoot into the sky.

Common Noun and Proper Noun

This week we have been learning about Proper Nouns and Common Nouns.  A Common Noun is a word like city and a Proper Noun is a word like Auckland city.  So really the only thing that a Proper Noun  is, is the specific name of something.

By Luis

Camp Marahau 2012

On Tuesday morning when the bell rang we drove to Marahau to start camp. First we went to our cabins to make our beds.  While the Nitro Ninjas got ready to go kayaking.  After that Whaea Aroha blew the whistle, we all went to the meeting place which is the fire pit.  The Jaguars went to go to do the creative study.  We found creatures from cockles  to dead crabs!   When we got back the Jaguars went kayaking.  We kayaked out to sea.  We made a raft by linking our kayaks.        


Today we were doing Gymnastics.   I think the best part was forming the pyramid because it was challenging but awesome fun.  My best friends that do Gymnastics with me are...Olivia,Sierra,Holly and Hannah.

By Lily

Olympics Study

This term we have have been learning about the Olympics.  We went into groups of three, two and four.  We got a year, my group's year is 1948.  Me,Tristan and Bryn are in a group of three.

First we had to see where our Olympics was held.  Ours was in London, England.   Next we had to find what was happening around the time of our Olympics.  One of our things that was happening was American pilot Chuck Yeager was the first man to break the speed of sound.  Now what we have to  do is find a memroble moment that happened at that Olympics.  Let's get working.

1912 Olympics

This term we have been learning about the Olympics. We had to find out what major world events were happening during the 1912 Olympic games.

In 1912 on 22nd of August, the Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre.


What happened around the year 1948?

We are learning about the history of the Olympics.  We are looking for memorable moments.  We have to first learn about what was happening in the world at the time of our Olympic year.

So what happened around the year 1948?

One fact was that Chuck Yeager was the first man to ever travel at he speed of sound.  That means he broke the sonic boom.  Another fact is that it was the first Olympics after World War II. The last fact, there was a 9 year civil war in Colombia.

Whanau class

Yesterday the Whanau class went to Manaha School for a Powhiri.   When we got there we were called on to their school.  Kurtis spoke on the paepae.  We sung some songs, then we had some kai (food).   It was yummy :) We had some free time to play with the Mahana kids, then activities.    I played knuckle bones.  There were string games and rakau too.

Go Mapua!

 Today we had a Year 5/6 sports exchange with Takaka School.  We won the shield and next year we will have to defend it in Takaka.  Ka mau te wehi, te Kura o Mapua.

Make a video of your own at Animoto.

Takaka Sports

Rugby was won by Mapua 40-25.  Go Mapua!


Today Macgregor,Bryn and Luis raised $55 at Takaka sports at Mapua school.
This was a fundraiser for a new school hall called the L,I,S (large indoor space)


Today at Takaka sports Macgregor,Bryn and Luis did a cake raffle.  We raised $55 to go towards the new Mapua school hall.  We had a Banana cake with chocolate icing and m&m's.   We also had a Lemon and Poppy Seed cake.   In the end Mr Taylor won the Lemon cake and Jonty  won the Banana cake.