Thursday, June 28, 2012

Gym Rocks!.

Friday is gym YAY.

Today where are having so much fun at gym.  We are doing cartwheels and bridges. 
Lily, Holly and me (Olivia) are all doing it.  Holly's act is the splits, a one handed cartwheel with a handstand.  Lily's act is back bridge, a cartwheel and catching a handstand.  Olivia's act is a round off, a cartwheel and a handstand.  Where all doing our own acts too. 

Olivia's doing a handstand then a round off then a roley poley and finishing off with a handstand into a back bridge.  Holly's doing a cartwheel, then the splits, then a ham stretch and finishing off with a straight jump.  Lily's doing a cartwheel followed by backwards roley poley then a scale followed by a forward roll and finishing with a back bridge.

(Holly,lily and olivia)

Lava Lamp

This is one of our lava lamps.  First you have to
pour 3/4 cup cooking oil into the glass.  Pour some water in. Try not to make it over flow. Drop ten drops of  food colouring in.   Put 1/2 of alka-selza tablet in.  Now watch the reaction. 


Science Time

On Thursday 21 June Room 7 made Lava Lamps for science.  We failed of course, but that's what scientists do.  They problem solve.  So the next day we tried it again and it worked amazingly.  It just looked like a real lava lamp.

(By Macgregor,Tristan and Luis)

Marae maths rocks

Math in room 7 is awesome. Marae group is awesome.  We do so much maths.   I will show you one of the equations.  We are learning our 6 times tables by using our 5 times tables.

4x6=?   you go (4x5)+(4x1)= 4x6 = 24.

Macgregor and Lily.

Amazing Experiments


Today we are going to carry out experiments.  We are going to create  lava lamps and exploding rockets.  It is going to be extreme. 

Angel, Jacob,Nigella.




Thursday, June 21, 2012

Our maths strategy

This week we learned a new maths strategy it was using our 5 timetables to solve our 6's ,7's and 8's timetables here is an example

7 times 6 = (5 times 6)+(2 times 6)
               = 30 +12

by Tristan and Luis

Monday, June 18, 2012

Science Alive!

Investigate how to create a "Traffic Light" drink.
Hint: Density has a lot to do with it!

Make your own slideshow with music at Animoto.


We made traffic lights by adding salt to water. We also added food colouring.  Blue, red, green and yellow.  We had to create a traffic light with these colours in a straw.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Graphic Poetry

We are the Tomato Sauce group.  We read graphic poems this week.  Graphic poems are written in different shapes depending on what the poem is about.

Super Heroes

We are the L&P reading group.  We read about super heroes and decided to test how long it would take us to get changed into our super hero costumes.  Here are our times.

Amelia 18seconds
Josh 21.56 seconds
Tuscan 26 seconds
Bailey 30.97 seconds
William 58 seconds

Surfing Soundwaves

We are the Jandals reading group and we read about soundwaves.  We learnt soundwaves can travel a long way.  We created our own soundwaves using  paper cups and string.


We are the Buzzy Bees reading group and we read about electricity this week.  Today we created electric hair dos.  We rubbed the balloons on wool and then styled our hair.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Nouns. The song says it all!

Estuary Aliens

We  had  to  draw aliens  that  live  in  an  estuary.  So  first  we  had  to  draw  an  alien,  then  we  had to  write  information  about  that  alien like it's habitat, what it ate and what it looked like.

Tristan,Wills, Lily,Anna.


We went to camp to build good relationships with people we don't hang out with normally and to conquer fears.  We went kayaking, abseiling, possum hunting, played Kick the Can in the dark with no torches, we hiked from Anchorage to Marahau, we learned about survival skills and all sorts of fun stuff.   There were cold frosty mornings and hot boiling afternoons.  We wanted to keep Marahau clean and respect the environment.

by Nigella,Shiloh and Amelia

Road Runners Marahua Camp

Our camp at Marahau was awesome. The Year fives stayed 3 nights and the Year fours stayed 1 night . Everyone enjoyed it specially the Road Runners.  We visited Woody's Outdoor Art Gallery first.   Then we studied estuary creatures.   After that we had a break but then we went possum hunting.  My favorite thing was abseiling and orienteering.  We went by boat to Anchorage and Paul did bagels in the boat, not donuts.  Finally we got to Kaiteriteri beach and went biscuting and mini golfing . Then it was home time.


At camp the best thing was... everything!   Like floundering was cool because we caught 2 king sized stingrays.

Aliens from outer space?

Yesterday we designed different aliens on our data sheet and found out they don't have a spine, some don't have heads, some don't have legs but they all live around the water and some in the water.

Radiation (the sun) replaces water twice a day (the tides). Some aliens go under ground and others have body amour so the can stay up above the mud.  Some aliens stay in one spot and hunt but others move around so they can't get hunted as much.

They really aren't aliens,... the really are creatures of the estuary.  

Angel,Olivia,Jacob,Jake,Macgregor and Tuscan


For science we are learning about estuaries and beaches. We went to the Ruby Bay beach  and studied the things that lived there.  Then we visited the Mapua esturay and explored to learn about life there.  

We found there was more plant and animal life at the estuary.  We think this is because it is protected from the wind and wild weather of the open sea.

Nitro Ninjas

On Tuesday Room 7 left for Marahau Camp. The Year 4's stayed for 2 days and 1 night. The Year 5's stayed for 4 days and 3 nights.

We started with kayaking. In the freezing water our kayaks swayed from side to side, sometimes we fell out into the cool water!

Camp Macayver,...  we had to collect water and make Matt a cup of tea, make a shelter, get food from the swamp without the swamp monster getting us and signal for help.

Abseiling,... we had to climb up a tall tower and then abseil down the face of the tower.  At first it was scary but then once we had done it, it was pretty fun.  After a small snack we started orienteering around Marahau.  We had to run all around Marahau looking for little letters, following a map.  It was awesome.  


Make your own slideshow with music at Animoto.

Floundering and Cockling

Make your own photo slideshow at Animoto.


Today we started a new letter for our handwriting and that letter was "M"

By Lily,selena and Ben

Last Flag to Fall

It was time for the epic sandcastle face off between all the groups at camp; the Jaguars, the Nitro Ninjas, the Road Runners and the Lightning Boys!  The challenge was to build a sancastle, place the team flag in the castle and then see which castle stayed up the longest with the tide coming in!  The Road Runners' flag dropped first, followed by the Lightning Boys. It was a close competition between the Jaguars and the Nitro Ninjas.  But in the end there can only be one winner,.... the Jaguars.  Great stuff Jaguars.